Friday, May 1, 2009



it has been a while since posting but this is a quick overview of process.

there is more after this but those are not photographed yet.

oblique drawing of the relationships of the overlaps as walls with rotation of the past (looking back) to meet the diagonal of the future (looking to) at the moment of back and forth (present)
in this drawing, a representation of the idea that in the present progression, a looking back presents a new past
that is seen because of the actions that occur and the preferred memory. to look for the past yields a seeing of not what was but what is happening along side of what is now.


the overlaps corridor and stair.
at the place where i stood there is a gap or break in the overlaps. a blind spot.
to take the overlap in plan of corridor and intersect them at the station point and then to fold the stair overlaps
at the point where i stood gives the moments filled in red.

the overlaps in red of the new plan of the stair

the overlaps in red of the corridor

the drawing of plan of corridor and stair from the perspectives drawn from the camera obscura